
Customer can request a return within 30 calendar days of receipt.

To be eligible for return and refund, the returned items must be unused and in the original packaging as received. Any returned items that are not in re-sellable condition are not qualify for a refund.

All return items will be inspected at our warehouse. Please allow 2-3 business days for processing.

How to request a return

All requests should send to

If accepted, we will issue a Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA#). Any returns without the RMA# will be refused and returned to the sender at their own expense. Please put the RMA# on the return shipment.


All Refunds are for credit only.

Refund amount will issue to purchaser’s account for the future purchase.

All Items returned not due to manufacturing error are subjected to 25% restocking fee.

Request an Exchange

Customer can request a replacement via email within 10 business days of receipt.

Items must be in re-sellable condition with all the accessories to qualify for an exchange.